Almost all buyers now look on-line at houses before they call a Realtor. This makes good MLS photos essential. The goal of the photos is to showcase your house’s best assets, entice buyers to want to see your house in person, thereby getting the house sold at the best possible price.
Bright colors and unsual furnishings draw attention, but not necessarily the attention you want. You want the house to appeal to the widest group of people. You’ll want to “neutralize” your house. We want potential buyers to imagine their possessions in your house, not admire your possessions. The featured photo today is an ok photo of the sellers TV. Do you want to sell your TV or your house?Every Friday, we’ll continue to show you bad photos from our local MLS. Again – no names or address will be given in order to protect the un-enlightened.
The Eisenlauer Team will do their best to advise you in how to prepare your house to succeed in getting it sold. Lets talk shop.
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