Here’s some suggestions for activities in Des Moines area.
- Bring on Summer – Altoona, from 6:00-11:00. Live band and food at the Center Place back lot (behind Royal Flooring)
- Car Races at the Iowa State Fairgrounds- Friday night.
- BB King at Prairie Meadows tonight at 8:00PM
- Nitefall on the River begins Sat. night – Hairball is playing – gates open at 7pm, show at 8.
- Smokin’ in the Junction – BarBQue and live music Sat- Sun in Valley Junction.
- Chichaqua Free Skinners – North of Bondurant, find out what life was like in the 1800’s. Sat-Sun.
- Kid’s activities and fun at Bass Pro in Altoona – Sat- Sun
- Memorial Day program at Iowa Events Center
- Camp Dodge Open house on Monday, tour the museum, have breakfast, shop at the PX
Enjoy the weekend. Honor those who have died in the service of our country. Thank a Soldier.
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