Having lived on the east side of Des Moines for the past 30+ years, I’ve come to realize there are 2 types of people. State Fair goers and everybody else. There are just a certain per-cent of the population that attend the fair – at least once- if not more times every year. Only a cataclysmic event would keep them from attending. And this is not just “east-siders”, its across the state. There are sub-cultures at the fair. The carnies – the traveling guys who put up those rides and hawk their wares and try the darndest to get you to part with your money. Successful Email Marketing Boot Camp Then there is another level of people trying to take your money – the guys doing cooking demos, the Vita-Mixer guy, the salsa maker guy, the massage chair, the freezie maker – etc. There are the 4-H kids in the barns that wash and dry the animals, put fans on them, spray their hooves – treat them royally. These kids love to play tricks on the “city-slickers”, catch them off-guard by dropping a rubber spider from the rafters and watch our reaction! The campers – a city onto itself. Wow – have you driven through there? Or take the big John Deere wagon up for a look-see. People pass their camping sites down through generations, a 10 yr. waiting list! They decorate, construct decks, the appear to defy gravity stuck on the side of the hill and still level. Outside there are the car-parking-hawkers. They wave canes, wave flags, wear costumes, lure you in with the promise of a shuttle to and from, sell refreshments, offer to tatoo you and your kids for a nominal fee. Front and back yards are plotted out with precision to get the most revenue from the window of time available. My family are fair-goers. You either love it or you don’t. Comment about your favorite sub-culture.
Comments (1)
My family are fair-goers. We love it, we are East side fair-goers, corn dog eaters, barn lookers, have to go thru all the building even the ones up on the hill. Been offered tatoos but never took the parking lot attenant up on it. Found one thing out this year, after you get so old it takes two day to do all this.
My family are fair-goers. We love it, we are East side fair-goers, corn dog eaters, barn lookers, have to go thru all the building even the ones up on the hill. Been offered tatoos but never took the parking lot attenant up on it. Found one thing out this year, after you get so old it takes two day to do all this.