What happened to “The Buck Stops Here” ? You can agree or disagree with Harry Truman’s politics, but you have to respect a person that accepts the responsibility for what does or does not get done in his office.
Bureaucracy is the death of all sound work. Albert Einstein
Post office – We overnighted a package for signatures through the United State Post Office. Overnight means something to the person paying the cost. Apparently to postal employees, it means if it isn’t delivered overnight, there’s a process you can go through to get your money refunded.
Bureaucracy is the art of making the possible, impossible.
We’re listing a house that the assessor has assigned to both Pleasant Hill and Runnells. Now, we know that the property can NOT be in two jurisdictions. Call the assessor, they said it’s the auditor that assigns the address. Call the auditor, they said yes, it’s in Runnells but mailing address is Pleasant Hill. I said no, it’s an error, who do I speak to get it corrected? Well, maybe Planning and Zoning, you might have to get a corrected warranty deed. I’ll get back to you. Are you joking? Can’t someone simply correct the mistake?
In any bureaucracy, paper work increases as you spend more and more time reporting on the less and less you are doing.
Only at the DOT can you wait in a line for an hour to get a number to wait in line.
The only thing that saves us from the bureaucracy is its inefficiency.
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