What a crazy situation we are in, a defining time in all our lives. Our kids will see life with this as a reference point – life before Covid 19 and life after. There will be stories to recount to kids, grandkids, in history books and biographies. How do you want to define it? Yes, there are people fighting over toilet paper and disinfectant wipes But it is also a chance to see Americans shine and rise above the ordinary. I was reading a 2016 letter from Warren Buffet to his shareholders. Referring to economy, he said ” For 240 years, it’s been a terrible mistake to bet against America, and now is no time to start”. I like this sentiment for this time in which we are in. For every doomsday prediction and story, we can find a story of “Iowa Nice”. We are also a very resourceful people, thinking of new ways to do business. Some things I’ve noted.
I came home yesterday to an Easter bunny wallhanging and towel by my back door from a neighbor. Another neighbor left us warm roast beef in a container on the front porch.
Zoom is allowing their platform to be used by nonprofits, so a group of us have been meeting several times a week for a visit and prayer time.
Board games are left out and played often. On our neighborhood FB page, one family offered to deliver from their board game library to others’ front step.
Let’s follow Warren Buffet’s quote, we won’t bet against Americans creativity and resilience. Share your stories of Americans (and Iowans in particular) sharing and caring and finding new ways to do what needs to be done.
As we end one year, our team meets to review the year ending and plan for the coming year. We assess our activities, our expenditures, goals met or goals missed. As part of the process, I do a bit of research to see what ‘experts’ are predicting for the new year. I’d like to share some of my findings.
Baby Boomers are holding up the inventory in the housing market, as they live longer, work longer and stay in their homes longer.
Millennials – will continue to be the largest age group of home buyers (37%)
Electronic signatures will be more common with other digitized changes will be coming.
New term – Hipsturbia. As urban areas increase in price, millennials will turn to suburbs and outlying communities.
New construction continues, but still a pent-up demand.
The real estate industry has more new, untrained & inexperienced agents. (The number of agents always increases when the market is strong). Your home is often the biggest purchase/sale/investment that you have. Hire an experienced Realtor – like the Eisenlauer Team.
What are your expectations for 2020? If it includes a real estate purchase/sale, please call us (515-979-2883). We are excited for the future and ready to help you and your friends and family. Linked to sources.
Have you been noticing more and more street art in Des Moines? I have and love it. The very first one I noticed was the side of an apartment building at the corner of Des Moines St. and Penn Ave . It’s funky and odd, bright colors, abstract and even a bit disgusting. Really, it has teeth falling out , snot and bugs! But it catches your eye and makes you wonder. Who painted it? Why these cartoonish people? Why on this building? This one was done by a local artist, Frank Hansen and is titled Sarah and Leland with Bees. The show, The Bachelor, came to town with Iowa native, Chris Soules. There was wall art created specifically for one episode. This mural has been the background for many photos shoots and has now been modified. An art organization, The Des Moines Walls Project has a goal of more public murals in the Des Moines Area. They would like to feature local history and culture of Des Moines. Their first one is on the side of Exile Brewery and has many local details, as well as biking and the beer making that Exile is known for. Some come quietly, artistically and with dignity. Here are a few of my favorites. The one on the side of a grocery store makes you do a double take. It’s so realistic, that you easily mistake the painting for a man standing against the building. And the woman with the butterflies – Love, Love, Love! Others come loudly, and with less dignity and artistic composition, but still catch your eye and attention. They do make you look and they do have a story to tell. This is art that is accessible to all. Enjoy. What/Where is your favorite street art?
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