Forbes magazine did an article on the 10 Happiest and 10 Un-Happiest jobs in America. The survey was done by CareerBliss. ( I can’t imagine that employees of Career Bliss wouldn’t be the Happiest employees!) They asked employees to evaluate 10 factors such as work environment, compensation, growth opportunities, daily tasks. Wouldn’t you guess Disney employees or kindergarten teachers? The No. One Happiest Job is Real Estate Agent! Some of the factors sited are, setting ones own schedule, having control over amount of money one can earn, historically low interest rates, low inventory – all adds up to Happy Agents.Some of the things that surprised me in this survey.
Jobs I’d never heard of, such as – Senior Quality Assurance Engineer! What is that?
Logistics Manager are No. 6 in the list of Happiest. I don’t know any Logistics managers, do you?
No. 2 Unhappiest Job: Customer Service Associate, that one is not a surprise.
No 4 Unhappiest is Registered Nurse – I thought they would be happier, there’s no shortage of jobs available.
No. 5 Unhappiest is Teachers. I thought they would be on the happy list.
The Eisenlauer Team has two Happy Realtors who are ready and willing to help you buy your dream home, sell your current house, find some land to move to the country – whatever your real estate needs are.
Any obscure topic you can think of – there’s a been a study done on it, probably at our expense! The Washington Post reports on a study done by the business college at Washington State University. The students compiled data on the effects of aromas on sales. Of particular interest to me, and hopefully to you – is the scent that is most likely to entice a buyer to purchase your house. We’ve always been instructed and therefore instructed our sellers to fill the house with the aroma of baked goods when a showing or open house is scheduled. A frozen pie, cookies or bread – have been our favorite suggestions. Now the “experts” are telling us that complex scents, even though pleasant, are a distraction to a potential buyer. At open houses, “they are not there to process the smells. They are there to process whether this is a place they want to live,” Prof. Spangenberg Washington U. says. The study concludes that a simple scent, such as lemon, basil or pine, is easier to process, less distracting; therefore more conducive to spending. One real estate agent simply brings in fresh cut pine branches, lavender or mint. Look for a scent that is congruent with the lifestyle you’re trying to sell. And if you’re puzzled what aroma in congruent with your house – call the Eisenlauer Team. We’ll give you our professional opnion!
Are you aware that, every year, Pantone chooses a Color of the Year? The color gurus pay attention to what’s being used globally – in fashion, graffiti, landscapes, cityscapes etc – and elect an honored color every year. According to Pantone, Emerald Green promotes balance and harmony. The perception of emerald is sophistication. It’s the color of money. It indicates new growth, and a fresh start.It is lively and radiant – Look to nature for inspiration – pair it with yellow and oranges for an energizing jolt.Emerald is lush – a jewel tone. Think of other jewel tones to pair it with – purples, blues, reds, black and golds.Balance and harmony – Let the emerald be the pop of rich color against neutral backdrop of grays, whites, muted yellow or blues.Now that you’re aware of the color for 2013 – take notice if you see it in your world. In clothes, jewelry, designer fabrics, printed materials, furniture, exterior color of business, front door of a home.
And if you want color design advice – call the Eisenlauer Team. We can steer you to the people who “know”
The speaker at our local Chamber lunch club talked about the Design Trends for 2013. Apparently there a couple groups of elite people somewhere in Germany and another remote location who get together behind closed doors and decide for all of us – This Year’s Trends! Well, the information has been gathered and some of the trends we are to follow are:
Tactile Texture – objects that beg you to reach out and touch them. They could be soft, rough, bumpy – texture in the visual and literal sense.
African inflluence – beyond the animal prints, carved pieces and wrought iron frames perhaps covered with animal skins.
Floral prints with white background – sort of Granny’s shabby chic.
Pastel colors – think shades of Easter.
Graphic Retro – chevron, stripes with a modern updated twist.
Hand sketching and wall writing – think blackboard walls with lines of handwritten verses, the words create a pattern, even on a ceiling.
DIY – Re- purpose old one-of-a-kind items into a current use creating unique decorative items.
High gloss paint. Try it on an accessory piece for a pop of accent color.
What’s your favorite decorating idea? Would love to hear from you, see photos etc.
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