I don’t know anyone who loves the DM Register and thinks they are unbiased purveyors of local news. They are the newspaper we all love to hate. The latest article to raise my blood pressure was titled “Realtors squabble over commission money, Iowa Realty trims amount of commission it shares with two competitors.” The title seems to imply there was a petty disagreement over money. Read the article and see if the title represents the content. Iowa Realty has decided to give NO commission money to Keller Williams agents that sell one of their listings. That is not “trimming the amount of commission” that is bully tactics to ‘welcome’ the new guy in town. The mystery is how does this serve Iowa Realty’s clients? The client is still charged the full commission. If the selling agent is from Keller Williams – they get nothing. Where does the other half the commission go? In Bill Knapp’s pocket? And the general public has no idea of this situation. I don’t know who causes me more angst – Iowa Realty or Des Moines Register. In this case, Iowa Realty deserves the razzberry. It’s a greedy move that does not serve our clients, our community or our profession.
Call it whatever you want- it’s a dominant trend in today’s decorating. It’s great for the imaginative, for those with a vision for the eclectic and unusual, great for reducing waste – can’t see a down side. Even new things in today’s decorating stores imitate the old, worn, used items. There are websites, markets and stores devoted to selling old things re-purposed with a new lease in life. Here in the Des Moines area, there are many venues to choose from. Last month’s Junk Jubilee at the Iowa State Fairgrounds was a huge economic hit. It was only the second year for the event, the building was full with vendors, the parking lot was full of shoppers from all around the state. If you missed that event, here are some coming up.
J.P. Knackers in Gilbert Iowa has an event planned named Junkin in June – 29-30th. Check out their website for details.
Red Barn Rustics in Boone is planning an “occasional sale” once a month, next one June 29-30.
There will be a Swap Meet at Exit 52, the St. Charles Road on June 23rd.
JunkStock, Vintage and Junk Fair will be in Omaha June22,23 & 24th.
If you know of any others in the area – please post and let us know. If you want a Mid-Century Modern Realtor, who is still current and practical – Call Bill Eisenlauer 770-2455. If you want a younger model- call Bob at 979-2883.
I know I tend to the traditional. Even trying to think outside the box- I don’t get this. How do these tires work? Do they have air in them? If the air in our tires provide us with a comfortable ride, do these tires with almost no air make an uncomfortable ride? And therefore – why would a person pay extra for these tires- I’m assuming they are more expensive?
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